Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving (Week 11.5)

*Play the song til 0:28*

I just wanna thank Gawd
For all the wins he let into my life
All the wins he let me count
Wealth and health
For my family
And lettin' me ball on these niggas.

Waddup fellas. 

I figured I'd give y'all a preview what would run through my head during prayer before Thanksgiving Dinner 


I'm not sure if its the weed, the lack of my trifecta this week (making me mortal), or the simple merriment of the Alcoholidays, but I appreciate this league. A mere mortal has learned the value of being thankful this season. Its all thanks to those guys. Watching their teams squirm, claw, gnaw and Leonardo DiCraprio themselves for a CHANCE at getting the chip is truly awe-inspiring. My team is so dominant, I'm a whole 3 games ahead of the next person. I have so many points, I could take a game off. But what is DA GAWD most thankful for?

He's thankful that they all have allowed me to "Purge" on their teams. For 12 weeks, Da GAWD has dominated in the digital AND mental arenas. I can hear the echo of 1000 screams from 1 of his 4 galaxies that are being conquered at this verymoment........... In another galaxy, DA GAWD had an 11% chance to win. And then won by 5. In another league - won by 8, against the 2nd highest total of the week. DA GAWD was even able to  complete a trifecta consisting of Kelce the son, Hunt the father, and Mahomes the holy ghost. 

That's what I'm thankful for.

Da Gawd is good, Da Gawd is great, let us thank him for this win.

The picture above wasn't that good. It was bad idea to have the green accent wall. Stupid risk. Anyway, I realized I was looking at my wedding photo and remembering what it was like to have skin - in a mortal's body. Then I looked back at the silverware and don't understand why their is placement of utensil etiquette.

And then I thought I'd let you guys know that thanksgiving is about celebrating with friends, family and loved ones.....who else would you brag about a dominating season to? 

#Happy Thanksgiving 


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