Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Money Goes (Week 2)


What a week. From the disastrous effects of missing all of pre-season to limited practices, it looks like the injury flu has been spreading fast. Teams that were riding high lost many of their 1st and 2nd round picks while others have been able to capitalize on the opportunity and destroy their opponents. Let's recap how each of you fared. 

Philip on My Chubb 115.85 vs Kamaravirus 173.45

It was all good, just a week ago huh? Our reigning champ couldn't outrun the calamity of Week 2. Last week Davante Adams looked like the choice of all choices but it seems those chip powers transferred to Aaron Jones. To make matters worse, Mostert going down in a losing effort as he's about to face the swiss cheese Giants defense in Week 3 is gonna hurt. Normally when we see a goose eggs next to Fuller, we think his season is over after walking down the steps. Instead, he mysteriously wasn't targeted in a game that needed him the most. I'm sure there's no need to panic, but this loss must've hit pretty hard. 

Hats off to Juan for starting players he had no choice to start due to injury. Through divine intervention, Juan was able to have to the highest pt total RB of the week - by a WIDE margin. Aaron Jones' 53 points made up for all the stink of W3's and QB2's. Sitting pretty at 2-0 it looks like this virus is going to be on top for a while. I don't think there's enough industrial face masks to stop him from chasing the chip this season. Great work.

ShuTheBUcUp 115.90 vs falseProfits 170.90

Hector is really going through it this season. First he starts Miller while he has a very capable Boyd and then James White leaves him at the last minute with no RB2. Meanwhile, James Robinson puts in 21 pts on the bench. To make matters worse, his highly drafted George Kittle wasn't available so he puts in journeyman TE Greg Olsen for a whopping goose egg. You should've just left Kittle in on the off-chance that he comes in via wheel chair like Paul Pierce. I'd say it gets better next week, but with Jimmy G out, who knows how good Kittle will continue to be. Start praying.

Adam, congrats on your win without Michael Thomas. Your resourcefulness allowed you to find true value where its overlooked - Kicker and Defense. Putting up 26 pts between the two is making lemonade out of lemons while you allow your real stars to put in work. On top of that, having a QB that managed to get more rushing yards than many starting RBs in this league (including my own) has got to be comforting. Looks like you're ready to be playoff bound once again. 

A Team Has No Health 138.45 vs Green Eggs and SAM 170.90

Jesus, if you plan on making a return to the chip this year, its gonna be hard fought like DiCaprio in Revenant. Losing your top two WR's in the first two weeks has to be rough. I know there's nothing you could do in this situation but damn. I'm sure you've panicked each week just praying Golladay and GAWDwin stay healthy enough to play. It would be a blessing just to play them and only give you 7 pts. Keep hawking the waivers or looking for trades because you're gonna wear that Q/D/O like a badge of honor. A probable at this point would be GAWDsend. 

Started from the bottom now we here! This was a great win Eddie. Like I told you draft day, Dak is gonna be the QB to have this year and it showed. Having each of your players put up massive points was great GM management. Even rolling the dice and rolling with CeeDee Lamb paid dividends. Now the real question is whether or not you can keep this up and if you can dodge any other player set backs. Maybe you'll finally get that 3rd place monkey off your back and show everyone how much talent it takes to be the first player out of money in the league every year. 

Samuel LL (for two losses) Jackson 130.60 vs Easy Drake Lovin' 183.75

Who would've thought that Baker could manage to score more than your first round pick? The schedule that YOU chose to change is coming to bite you in the ass. You're now 2/2 for running into the highest point total of the week while putting up enough points to beat others in the league. I get it. You're SUPPOSED to start Jarvis and AJ over Beaseley. You're supposed to start Lamar over Baker. Looks like the only thing you did wrong was decide to change the schedule. Can't wait to see what Week 3 has in store for you. Get comfy with your buddy Gordon.

Shorty. I'm so proud of this win. Its like all the stars finally aligned and Charlie Brown FINALLY kicked that damn football into Lucy's face. With Mack going down and Josh Allen throwing down field, you've got yourself a full fledged, well-balanced fantasy squad for the first time in what feels like ages. You still left several double digit players on the bench and didn't need em. When Adam Thielen is your lowest point total, you're in a comfortable place. Bask in the glory, you don't have to rely on one premier player anymore as your team name. 

This Team Iz 0-2 121.30 vs Its Gonna Ertz 140.90

Wow Gordon. Its like you have a team full of players that are able to get the job done but the GM is impeding progress. Sitting Fournette and not trading for a WR that will give you more than 3 points feels like you've been taking notes from Adam Gase or Bill O'Brien. To add insult to injury, you must've thought recently retired, lower weight, a year removed from the game, Gronk would take away opportunities from Fournette. The same Fournette on a team that's been BEGGING for a decent RB since Doug Martin. I get it, its all part of your plan. Let the injuries ravage everyone else's team until they need you and then deny the trades so you slide to 0-forever. Until then, keep Hilton on the forefront of your mind. 

Trav, this win looks like it came at a heavy cost. After getting comfy with your triple dip, you managed to lose your first round pick. While Russell and Co can be counted on every week, I don't think Peyton Barber is gonna be the answer for a player to slide in. Be thankful that you started the season at 2-0 instead of 0-2 with a first rounder gone. In the meantime, you better start rehabbing that achilles because its going to take a lot more steps to make it to the promised land. Time to get to work. 

Los Lobos 139.70 vs BrokeGawd Randall 125.55

The only thing about your win this week that gives me comfort is that in another galaxy you couldn't put up 100 pts. This was a rough one for me to witness. While I knew Brees wasn't the choice at QB, 2nd half heroics from Edelman and Tyreek Hill absolutely burst my bubble of getting lucky. While this wasn't close to a commanding win, its a win none-the-less and I gotta give my props. Luckily, I won't have to hear you talk about this in the chat for another week or until you check your phone. 

And there you have it. $65 Nyhiem Hines coming through with a spectacular 1 pt and the followup $35 Snell being worse than a goose egg. Da GAWD was really on two colts away from a win and they both came up short. A 44 yard TD drop from Hilton (who is already matching his drop total of last season) and choosing the wrong TE truly hurt. When the money goes, will the wins stay? With the injury plague in full force, DA GAWD has the most work cut out for him going forward. At least I'm not Gordon. 



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